Sunday, 7 June 2015

Dumb things Conservatives say

1) Life begins at conception.
The truth is that the human brain does not even begin to form until 5 weeks into pregnancy: an adult with a brain that does not function would be considered dead; it follows that a fetus that does not yet have a brain would not yet be considered alive.
2) Poor people need to work harder.
If by "poor people need to work harder" they mean that people without jobs should find jobs and go to work then that's fine but if they mean that poor people are necessarily people who don't work hard then that is demonstratively not true as people can work two full time jobs and still have difficulty making ends meet.
3) Global warming is a liberal conspiracy.
It is a fact that buring fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide. It is a fact that acrbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that makes the air warmer. The only question is by how much the air will get warmer as a result of the emission of greenhouse gases. Te truth is that we are only talking about a few degrees every hundred years but a few degrees would make a big difference to our climate.
4) America is a Christian nation.
It is a fact that 84% of people in America are Christian. However, Americans who are not Christian are just as American as Americans who are Christian. It is also a fact that the founding fathers of America did not want people to be discriminated against on the basis of religion.
5) English is the official language of the United States.
The U.S. does not have an official language. 31 of 50 States recognize English as the official language but Hawaii recognizes both English and Hawaiian as official languages.

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